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March 14, 2022

A Healing Touch: How You Could Benefit from Wound Care

Some wounds require more intense treatment to heal successfully. Wound care can help you avoid serious complications following surgery, hospitalization and injury. What is Wound Care? Wound care is a proactive program that provides new and current senior care residents with assessment and management services to help their wounds heal efficiently. Proper wound care treats skin injuries and pre-existing […]

Patient getting their wound wrapped

Some wounds require more intense treatment to heal successfully. Wound care can help you avoid serious complications following surgery, hospitalization and injury.

What is Wound Care?

Wound care is a proactive program that provides new and current senior care residents with assessment and management services to help their wounds heal efficiently. Proper wound care treats skin injuries and pre-existing health issues that negatively affect healing. Not only does wound care address your current injuries, but it also reduces your likelihood of developing new wounds and infections.

Types of Wounds

There are four types of open wounds:

Abrasion: This type of wound is a scrape or cut with minimal bleeding that only affects the outer layer of skin.

Puncture: This is a hole in the skin that may or may not have bleeding. Some punctures can damage internal organs.

Laceration: A laceration is a deep cut in the skin that causes rapid and extensive bleeding.

Avulsion: An avulsion is a partial or complete removal of tissue that causes heavy bleeding.

Wound Care in Seniors

Sometimes, wounds can’t heal properly because of an underlying medical or health condition. Immunity and circulation decrease with age, so your wounds may heal slower than they used to. Conditions such as diabetes, cancer, heart diseases and thyroid issues also affect healing.

Other common causes of wounds in seniors include:

  • Bedsores from a lack of movement
  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiation
  • Steroids and anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Drug and alcohol abuse
  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • Malnutrition

Wound Care Process

Wound analysis: Wound care teams are specially trained healthcare providers certified to administer specific treatment. Your team will assess your wound to determine its type, severity and cause. They’ll also note any signs of drainage and infection.

Wound cleaning and maintenance: Your providers will change your bandages regularly. The frequency depends on your condition and health requirements. Wounds require oxygen from the environment and your blood to heal properly, so you may need to have your bandages removed for certain periods of time to give them air. Dietary services will ensure you consume vitamins A and E, protein, zinc and other nutrients to help you recover from your injury.

Treating infection: Wound specialists are always vigilant for signs of infection, which prolongs the recovery process. An infection will require topical or oral antibiotics and removal of dead tissue if necessary.

The Benefits of Embassy Wound Care

Receiving comprehensive wound care lowers your risk of infection and rehospitalization. A certified wound care team provides efficient and effective treatment to ensure you avoid complications and heal successfully.

Wound care takes the pressure off yourself and your loved ones and gives you 24/7 access to highly skilled medical professionals trained to address your needs. This type of care also lowers your chance of developing cellulitis and sepsis in your wounds.

Dr. Marc Berkowitz leads Embassy Healthcare’s wound care program. He operates Wound Care Consultants, LLC and specializes in reconstructive foot surgery, diabetic foot care and sports medicine.

Contact Embassy online or call 216-378-2050 to learn more about our wound care program.