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July 28, 2022

How COVID-19 Changed At-Home Dementia Care

Memory loss and behavioral changes caused by dementia can put your loved one at an increased risk for contracting COVID-19, especially if they receive at-home care.

COVID Dementia

Changes in Hygiene

Health and hygiene protocols remain important in preventative care for your loved one as COVID-19 variants still present health risks to older adults.

Your loved one may forget to follow health and safety measures that protect them from illness, so providing reminders to wash their hands or wear a mask is essential. Add notes to their bathroom mirror to remind them to wash their hands for 20 seconds with soap and water. Keep masks by the front door, so they remember to take one when they leave the house.

Changes in Healthcare

The pandemic emphasized telemedicine and remote healthcare. While those remote services made connecting with doctors and specialists easier, the technological aspect can be challenging for some.

Talk with your parent about how they feel about using telemedicine, phone calls and video chats to contact their doctor. Walk them through connecting to a Zoom meeting, a FaceTime call or a telehealth service if they attend their appointment without you.

It may also be beneficial to leave a set of instructions to help your loved one connect to their doctor or specialist when you can’t assist them.

Changes in Caregiver Support

It’s important to have a backup plan if you can’t get over to your loved one’s house. Talk with your family and friends about establishing a care schedule for your parent. You may also consider asking your parent’s neighbors to keep an eye on them until you’re able to visit. Respite care provides short-term health services if your loved one needs more assistance or supervision.

Find out which family and friends are vaccinated because your loved one may still be at risk for contracting COVID-19 from unvaccinated individuals. Discuss safe socializing with your parent. Keep gatherings small or host them outdoors to provide space for social distancing.

Embassy Healthcare is Here to Help

We understand your loved one’s health and wellness are your top priority, and we feel the same. The Embassy Healthcare team is dedicated to slowing the spread of COVID-19 by following strict health protocols, including wearing face masks, ample handwashing, disinfection high traffic surfaces and requesting staff to get vaccinated.

Our dementia care provides personalized services and attention, so your loved one gets the daily support they need to lead a meaningful life. Embassy Healthcare uses comprehensive dementia assessments to determine your loved one’s safety, security and wellness requirements.

Call 216-378-2050 or contact us online for more information.