February 7, 2022
Why Respite Care is Important for Caregivers
If you look after an ailing or elderly parent or spouse, you may feel that your needs aren’t as important as those of the person you’re caring for. It’s also not uncommon for people to resist seeking respite care because they feel they “shouldn’t need assistance,” or they may question another person’s ability to provide for their […]

If you look after an ailing or elderly parent or spouse, you may feel that your needs aren’t as important as those of the person you’re caring for. It’s also not uncommon for people to resist seeking respite care because they feel they “shouldn’t need assistance,” or they may question another person’s ability to provide for their loved one.
However, taking advantage of that service will allow you to become a better caregiver. Here are some advantages of respite care.
Enjoy Much-Needed Self-Care
When you use respite care, you can unwind and address your needs. It’s important to seek assistance before reaching your breaking point or becoming burned out.
Constantly focusing on someone else’s care can be stressful and may not leave you much personal time. Stepping away from your caregiver role allows you to evaluate your mental health and tend to personal issues.
It’s a chance to take care of chores, focus on your career or pursue hobbies and passions you’ve put aside. And tending to your emotional needs means you’ll be better equipped to care for someone else’s.
Focus on Other Relationships
When was the last time you socialized with your spouse, children, siblings or friends? It’s easy to forget about your social life when you’re dedicating so much of your time to ensuring the health and wellness of a loved one.
A lack of socialization increases your risk of isolation, depression and anxiety. You can use the newfound time that respite care provides to catch up with friends and family and work together to create a plan to share the caregiving responsibilities.
Renew Your Physical Health and Energy
Being responsible for another person’s bathing, dressing, mobility and transportation can strain your muscles and joints. Utilizing respite care gives you time to recuperate and improve your physical health.
Stress also takes a toll on your body and exacerbates chronic health conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, headaches and digestive problems. Poor physical health affects your immunity, so you may find yourself getting sick frequently, putting your loved one at risk for illness as well.
Take Time for Personal Tasks or a Vacation
It’s difficult to address obstacles when you’re in the thick of things, so temporarily removing yourself as the primary caregiver allows you time to gain a new perspective. Give your own affairs some attention and check off items on your to-do list or take that vacation you’ve been putting off.
You can run errands or plan a weekend getaway to recharge your batteries and enjoy some free time. Getting away on vacation will help you restore your energy and patience, so you’ll return to caregiving with renewed enthusiasm.
Embassy Healthcare offers respite stays at our locations in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida. Contact us online to schedule a tour.