Avoid Risk of Falling During Icy and Snowy Weather
Winter is a beautiful time of year, but the fresh snow and holiday lights can also come with a risk of falling. To help stay safe and comfortable this season, here are some fall prevention tips.
1: Cleared and Salted Walkways
Snow creates a wet and uneven plane for a person to walk on. If not cleared, a person can trip and fall when trying to leave their home. If you live at home, be sure to arrange for a loved one or call professional service to clear your walkways and driveways after a snowfall.
Once you’ve cleared your walkways, cover them with ice melt. This will remove any ice that has stuck to the ground and couldn’t be removed by shoveling. Some people will also put sand on their walkways to improve traction and reduce the chance of slipping.
2: Take Your Shoes Off Inside
Once you enter your home after walking outside, take your shoes off. Any snow or ice that clung to your feet will start to melt and can create a slipping hazard. You can also place a non-slip mat near the door to help you keep steady while taking them off.
3: Wear Non-Slip Footwear Inside
When you’re inside, wearing non-slip footwear can further help prevent chances of falling. Look for slippers or loafers that fit comfortably snug against your feet that also have rubber soles. You can also wear hospital-style socks with rubber grips underneath.
4: Keep Your House Warm
Cold temperatures can thicken the fluid in your joints. This makes them feel stiffer in the wintertime and can affect mobility. Keep your home heated at a comfortable temperature so that your joints can retain their full range of motion.
5: Move Frequently
Moving around your home frequently can help maintain your strength. Engage in some light exercise or make a plan to stand up and move once every hour if possible. Keep your movements within your normal physical limits. Overexertion can increase fall risks.
6: Fix Up Your Home
There are a few ways that you can prevent falls simply by fixing up your home. These include:
Declutter your living space and removing objects from the floor
Install supportive equipment like handrails in stairways and bathrooms
Rearrange furniture for clearer pathways between rooms
Fix rugs more securely to the floor
Use nonslip mats near sinks and in bathtubs/shower stalls
Clean up any spilled mess immediately
Do not store essential items in hard-to-reach places
7: Carry a Fall Alert Device
No matter the time of year, seniors at risk of falling should carry a fall alert device. There are dedicated services like LifeAlert that provide their own solutions as well as smartphone and smartwatch apps. Having these within reach can help you notify emergency services sooner.
Have You Been Injured in a Fall? Get Help in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida
At Embassy Healthcare, we strive to provide the best-possible care to seniors in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida. If you or your loved one have recently fallen and need care in recovery, we invite you to contact us anytime for more information about our facilities.